Having Difficulties?

Flight Plan not loading.

Please make use of the following system: Flight Plan System

I did not receive the submitted Flight Plan.

Please make sure that the correct email was inserted and check your spam/ junk folder

Flight Plan cancellations.

Flight plan cancellations are to me made at aim@maltats.com

2012 ICAO Flight Plan amendments

Complete set of 2012 ICAO flight plan form amendments are available at icao.int

Still having difficulties?

Download a blank flight plan form and send it to MATS Administration office at aim@maltats.com

Flight Planning

Tel: +356 22 35 55 43
Fax: +356 22 35 53 32
Email: aim@maltats.com

Administration office

Tel: +356 22 35 53 35
Fax: +356 22 35 55 28
Email: atsmalta@maltats.com

ATC Operations

Chief Operations Officer
Tel: +356 22 35 54 58
Email: operations@maltats.com

Reservation of airspace

Airspace Utilization and Coordination Cell
Email: airspace.cell@maltats.com

Developed by Flying Malta Application in collaboration with Malta Air Traffic Services.